Thursday, February 12, 2009

my suggestions-dietary food intake

dear blog, how are you today?

regarding the issue, today review is about a dietary food intake..

here are the list:-)

  1. breakfast ;-) fruit shake,oranges, bananas, pears, melons or other fruit in season..

  2. snack ;-) fruit again but not too near lunch as it takes 1 hour to get enzymes down..

  3. lunch ;-) salad with protein.. add some dishes like steamed or roasted chiken or some kind of fish..

  4. snack ;-) celery or broccoli + anti-oxidant tea + light sport activity i.e: jogging, walking or go to gym..

  5. dinner: grilled chicken and steamed vegetables..

so hopefully by following strictly from the above menu, i can get a great + a healthy body..Amin..

Red flying butterfly

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